Jan Balet “Honeymoon” Lithograph


This Jan Balet “Honeymoon” Lithograph is Edition year 1981 is complete with Certificate of Authenticity. It is number 140 of 300. The Certificate is signed by the art dealer in Micro Editions in Livermore, CA.

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SKU: 1276
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This Jan Balet “Honeymoon” Lithograph is a 1981 lithograph complete with Certificate of Authenticity. It is number 140 of 300. The Certificate alao bears the signature of the art dealer at Micro Editions in Livermore, CA.

The name Jan Balet (1913-2009) is synonymous with famous works of art. He was a German/US-American painter. He also has a list of children’s books where he uses his great talent to lift the spirit. Look for information and other artwork at https://www.janbalet.com.

Additional information

Weight 14 lbs
Dimensions 36 × 32 × 4 in